Kansas Poems
WANTED for this section of KansasPoets.com. -- Poems set in Kansas... Poems about Kansas people... Poems with references about Kansas places, things, events and experiences... Poems with Kansas character...
Poems Are Alphabetically Sectioned By Title. Select Below to View:
This section of KansasPoets.com is NOT a literary journal, nor is it a contest.
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- The purpose of this collection is archival only, for the purpose of creating a "word mural" that everyone might better experience Kansas.
- All contributors whose poems appear within the website retain the rights to their work.
- All submitted poetry is reviewed by a select panel of appointed readers for appropriateness; in some instances suggestions for improvement might be provided.
- If approved, each poet's name will appear alongside the title of their poem in the archive link index and with their poem.
- Final decision of what appears in this archive is at the discretion of the site developer.
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